Job boards are boring

Transform how millions of people apply.

Desktop computer with a job application form on the screen
Floating cartoon hand holding a toy model of a small business building with a big 'Apply' button next to it

How we do what we do

We're dedicated to learning every day

Plus icon
Two people having a conversation with chat bubbles above them

We see big problems & tackle them together

Plus icon
Puzzle that says 'We're Hiring!' with two cartoon hands adding pieces to it

We work hard for job seekers and employers

Plus icon
Kid wearing binoculars with the word 'Jobs' reflected in them
Desktop computer with the Gigs search page on the screen

Get support in and out of the office

Competitive salary

Competitive pre-seed stage equity

Individual and family medical, dental, and vision benefits

Flexible vacation, holidays, and time off

Join our team

Feel strongly about dramatically changing how millions of people get hired & apply for jobs? There’s this cool company called Gigs…